He is smorche - slowy! He is very slow, but we don't want any confusion. He is not a bad character, but everything annoys him!
Smorche has three teeth, and that's why he has been named Mister Most Beautiful Smile for the seventh year in a row. He is very kind, so they constantly trick him, and he is slow to understand. Although he has big ears, he sleeps like a baby. By the way, he performs all his activities standing up, which allows him to SLEEP! Almost all day.
He often sleepwalks, but he grinds his teeth so much that it gives him away, so the other animals wake him up and put him back to bed!
He feeds mostly on Munch, but is often seen munching on dandelions. That's how he brushes his teeth to keep them perfect. In addition to his smile, he is an excellent digger, loves tropical areas, and can last a very long time without water. The last time he was awarded a diploma for Mister Most Beautiful Smile, he received a toothbrush as a gift from RoboMunches. Despite forgetting it on the last trip, he requested its return!