Roguch was named after his horns, as well as the carob. Roguch is not stubborn, yet he is persistent! Roguches are only born between March 20th and April 20th. It's just that the stars are in their favor. They have wings, but they don't fly, like penguins. That's because their horns are too heavy. Although they can't fly, they can crash very well!
They go everywhere with their heads - even through the wall! Despite running non-stop and only resting for two hours a day, they are extremely energetic. They are very social, although they don't seem like it.
They live as a family in Rogucharnik and don't like it when other animals mistakenly call it "pigeon house." Fun fact: a house must have at least 20 Roguches to qualify as a Rogucharnik!
They feed exclusively on carob and Munch! The RoboMunches gave him a foil helmet as a gift to protect him in his stubbornness!