Every pig says OINK, but only ours is Mister Grokche. He is, first of all, a gentleman, and then an underwater spy. He likes to eat apples and Munch the most! By the way, he is not just any pig; he is also known as MISTER SPY!
But why? He was born on a different planet, Pras, and hid from other animals in the waters for an entire year. When they found him, they called him a spy, but he fit right in. He still enjoys snooping in the dark depths of the ocean.
No one knows what he saw there! They called him a couple of times from planet Earth to come and explore the lowest points of the ocean, but he refuses to come to Earth. He says they don't treat piglets as they should!
RoboMunches gifted him a swim ring, made of foil. He swims very well, so he uses it only when he wants to tan the upper part of his body.