„Dino“ means terrible or big and is basically a name for dinosaurs and a common nickname for them. However, those dinosaurs that feed on Manch get that “ch” in their stomachs. Especially the ones that are big, but not scary!
He belongs to the 6th generation of Styracosaurus, but we cannot really prove that. He likes to brag that his ancestors were firebreathers, but that hasn't been confirmed either. He is an excellent swimmer, and he inherited that skill from his mother's bison roots.
He doesn't have a nickname, because his name is better than a nickname, but it bothers him that no one knows how pronuance his name depending on the case. From whom, what from? DINCHETA!
He mostly feeds on grass, and his favorite breakfast is four-leaf clover! When he puts on his lucky foil glasses, he instantly sees a four-leaf clover! He always chooses Munch for dessert.