Quality and safety
We consider maintaining the products quality our most important goal!

Every day a team of experts from Jaffa factory in Crvenka makes sure that the highest requirements, needs and expectations of our consumers are met.
In order to justify the reputation of being a high-quality manufacture, besides standard quality controls and product safety regulations, such as HACCP system and international standards ISO 9001, ISO 222000 and FSSC 22000, we our proud to say that we also possess BRC and IFS certificates, which are the most recognized global standards in our industry.

We are proud owners of the following certificates:

Besides certification carried out by internationally accredited certification bodies, we cooperate with many laboratories from both Serbia and abroad.
Team work, participation, process control and support of all employees are the key imperatives of Jaffa Crvenka when it comes to meeting goals of quality and security policies.